Key Departments
- Innovation & Imagination -
The Research and Rural Development Department promotes a sustainable-built environment so that Alaskans have access to safe, quality, and affordable housing. Innovative ideas and creativity supporting Alaska’s unique housing challenges require critical thinking and long-term solutions.
Administers residential energy efficiency and sustainable housing programs
Provides education, outreach, and project assistance to homebuilders and project managers
Establishes building and energy code standards for AHFC through partnerships with local, state, and national experts
Implements and maintains building-related market tools and infrastructure such as the AkWarm Energy Modeling Software, the Alaska Retrofit Information System Database, and Home Energy Rating System
Conducts building, energy efficiency, and policy research through partnerships with the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory extension in Alaska, the Cold Climate Housing Research Center, and others
3D Concrete Printed Home
Innovation guides research developing solutions specific to Alaska’s unique geography.
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation continues to explore solutions that meet the needs of the state’s challenging geography. 3D concrete printing is an interdisciplinary practice that incorporates construction science, material science, architectural, structural, mechanical, and software engineering disciplines.
Using federal funds, AHFC and the Denali Commission worked through the year to perform primary engineering and architecture analysis through a collaborative effort with multiple partners
A Computer Aided Design provides a blueprint with instructions translated to a robot and pump that extrudes concrete and prints layer-by-layer to form structural components without the need for formwork.
Performs in Alaska’s permafrost regions
Potential to lower construction costs (foundation, walls, roofs)
Outer shell of a 1,200-square foot home produced in 24-hours
Viable alternative to conventional wood frame construction
Build to economies of scale during limited construction season
Energy Efficiencies in Education
Bringing energy efficiencies to large buildings saves money and supports healthy communities.
AHFC’s Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan was created by the Alaska legislature to allow AHFC to provide financing for permanent energy efficient building improvements for properties that are owned by regional educational attendance areas, University of Alaska, the state or municipalities. Savings from improvements are to be used to repay AHFC. No activity is reported during FY21.