Alaska Housing Rent Relief

- Community Unity -

In February 2021, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation took the lead bringing together the Municipality of Anchorage, five nonprofit agencies, and 14 housing authorities representing 148 federally recognized tribes to develop a cooperative emergency rent relief effort. The result was the development of an application system distributing millions of dollars in pooled federal funds and resources supporting the entire state. One system, one process, one protocol statewide.

  • $289 million AHFC

  • $31 million Municipality of Anchorage

  • $35 million from 14 organizations representing 148 tribes.

The $66 million in partner funding speaks volumes to the substantive trust and working relationships AHFC has cultivated throughout the years. Our results demonstrate what is achievable with a commitment to putting Alaskans first.

- Community Through Partnerships -

Colleen Dushkin

Association of Alaska Housing Authorities

John Rozzi

Valley Charities, Inc.